

Getting Started

If you haven’t already, you’ll want to get familiar with the Graphcat repository at http://github.com/shead-custom-design/graphcat … there, you’ll find the Graphcat source code, issue tracker, discussions, and wiki.

You’ll need to install Graphviz and pandoc, neither of which can be installed via pip. If you use Conda (which we strongly recommend), you can install them as follows:

$ conda install graphviz pandoc

Next, you’ll need to install all of the extra dependencies needed for Graphcat development:

$ pip install graphcat[all]

Then, you’ll be ready to obtain Graphcat’s source code and install it using “editable mode”. Editable mode is a feature provided by pip that links the Graphcat source code into the install directory instead of copying it … that way you can edit the source code in your git sandbox, and you don’t have to keep re-installing it to test your changes:

$ git clone https://github.com/shead-custom-design/graphcat.git
$ cd graphcat
$ pip install --editable .


Graphcat version numbers follow the Semantic Versioning standard.

Coding Style

The Graphcat source code follows the PEP-8 Style Guide for Python Code.

Running Regression Tests

To run the Graphcat test suite, simply run regression.py from the top-level source directory:

$ cd graphcat
$ python regression.py

The tests will run, providing feedback on successes / failures.

Test Coverage

When you run the test suite with regression.py, it also automatically generates code coverage statistics. To see the coverage results, open graphcat/.cover/index.html in a web browser.

Building the Documentation

To build the documentation, run:

$ cd graphcat/docs
$ make html

Once the documentation is built, you can view it by opening graphcat/docs/_build/html/index.html in a web browser.