


To install the latest stable version of Graphcat and its dependencies, use pip:

$ pip install graphcat

… once it completes, you’ll be able to use all of Graphcat’s core features.


If you want to visualize Graphcat network diagrams like the ones seen elsewhere in this documentation, you’ll need to install Graphviz, which can’t be installed via pip. If you use Conda (which we strongly recommend), you can install it as follows:

$ conda install graphviz

Once you have Graphviz, you can install Graphcat with the necessary dependencies:

$ pip install graphcat[vis]


We assume that you’ll normally access this documentation online, but if you want a local copy on your own computer, do the following:

First, you’ll need the pandoc universal document converter, which can’t be installed with pip … if you use Conda (again, strongly recommended), you can install it with the following:

$ conda install pandoc

Once you have pandoc, install Graphcat along with all of the dependencies needed to build the docs:

$ pip install graphcat[doc]

Next, do the following to download a tarball to the current directory containing all of the Graphcat source code, which includes the documentation:

$ pip download graphcat --no-binary=:all: --no-deps

Now, you can extract the tarball contents and build the documentation (adjust the following for the version you downloaded):

$ tar xzvf graphcat-1.0.4.tar.gz
$ cd graphcat-1.0.4/docs
$ make html