Source code for graphcat.common

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Helper classes and functions that can be used with more than one graph type.

import collections
import enum
import functools
import logging
import time
import warnings

import networkx

import graphcat.optional
import graphcat.require

numpy = graphcat.optional.module("numpy")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Array(object): """Task function callable that returns a caller-supplied array. Parameters ---------- value: :class:`numpy.ndarray` convertable object, required The array to use as the output for this callable. See Also -------- :func:`array` - factory function for :class:`Array` instances. """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def __call__(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): return self._value[extent] if extent is not None else self._value def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and numpy.all(self._value == other._value)
[docs]class ArrayExtent(object): """Helper for creating :class:`Array` compatible streaming extents. To generate extents, use any numpy-compatible `indexing notation <>`_:: extent = ArrayExtent[0:4096] extent = ArrayExtent[::2] extent = ArrayExtent[:, 0] ... These extents are compatible with :class:`Array`. """ def __class_getitem__(cls, key): return key
[docs]class Constant(object): """Task function callable that returns a caller-supplied value. Parameters ---------- value: any Python object, required The value to use as the output for this callable. See Also -------- :func:`constant` - factory function for :class:`Constant` instances. """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def __call__(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): return self._value def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self._value == other._value
[docs]class Delay(object): """Task function callable that sleeps for a fixed time. This is mainly useful for testing and debugging. Parameters ---------- seconds: number, required The number of seconds to sleep when executed. See Also -------- :func:`delay` - factory function for :class:`Delay` instances. """ def __init__(self, seconds): self._seconds = seconds def __call__(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): time.sleep(self._seconds) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self._seconds == other._seconds
[docs]class DeprecationWarning(Warning): """Warning category for deprecated code.""" pass
[docs]class Input(enum.Enum): """Enumerates special :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph` named inputs.""" IMPLICIT = 1 """Named input for links that are generated automatically for use as implicit dependencies, not data sources."""
[docs]class Logger(object): """Log graph events. Create a :class:`Logger` object to see the behavior of the graph during updates, using the Python :mod:`logging` module:: logger = graphcat.Logger(graph) This is useful for debugging and pedagogy. The logger will generate output for five types of event: * cycle - a cycle is detected during updating. * executed - a task is executed. * failed - a task raises an exception during execution. * finished - a task executes successfully. * updated - a task is updated. Update events happen regardless of the state of a task. Execute events only happen if the task isn't already finished. Failed and finished events only happen if a task is executed. Parameters ---------- graph: class:`graphcat.graph.Graph`, required The graph whose events will be logged. """ def __init__(self, graph, log_exceptions=True, log_inputs=True, log_outputs=True, log_extents=True, log=log): self._log_exceptions = log_exceptions self._log_inputs = log_inputs self._log_outputs = log_outputs self._log_extents = log_extents self._log = log graph.on_cycle.connect(self.on_cycle) graph.on_execute.connect(self.on_execute) graph.on_failed.connect(self.on_failed) graph.on_finished.connect(self.on_finished) graph.on_update.connect(self.on_update)
[docs] def on_cycle(self, graph, name): """Called when a cycle is detected.""""Task {name} cycle detected.")
[docs] def on_execute(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): """Called when a task is executed.""" message = f"Task {name} executing." if self._log_inputs: message += f" Inputs: {inputs}" if self._log_extents and graph.is_streaming: message += f" Extent: {extent}"
[docs] def on_failed(self, graph, name, exception): """Called when a task raises an exception during execution.""" if self._log_exceptions: self._log.error(f"Task {name} failed. Exception: {exception}") else: self._log.error(f"Task {name} failed.")
[docs] def on_finished(self, graph, name, output): """Called when a task has executed sucessfully.""" if self._log_outputs:"Task {name} finished. Output: {output}") else:"Task {name} finished.")
[docs] def on_update(self, graph, name): """Called when a task is updated.""" message = f"Task {name} updating."
[docs]class Passthrough(object): """Task function callable that always returns an upstream input. Parameters ---------- input: hashable object, required Name of the input to be returned when this task is executed. Note that there must be exactly one connection to the named input, or an exception will be raised. See Also -------- :func:`passthrough` - factory function for :class:`Passthrough` instances. """ def __init__(self, input): self._input = input def __call__(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): return inputs.getone(self._input) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self._input == other._input
[docs]class PerformanceMonitor(object): """Tracks the performance of graph tasks as they're executed. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph`, required Graph whose performance will be monitored. """ def __init__(self, graph): self.reset() graph.on_execute.connect(self._on_execute) graph.on_failed.connect(self._on_failed) graph.on_finished.connect(self._on_finished) def _on_execute(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): self._start = time.time() def _on_failed(self, graph, name, exception): self._tasks[name].append(time.time() - self._start) # pragma: no cover def _on_finished(self, graph, name, output): self._tasks[name].append(time.time() - self._start)
[docs] def reset(self): """Clear performance data.""" self._tasks = collections.defaultdict(list)
@property def tasks(self): """Graph task execution times since this object was created / reset. Returns ------- tasks: :class:`dict` containing :class:`list` values. Maps the name of every task that has been updated to an array containing execution times. """ return dict(self._tasks)
[docs]class RaiseException(object): """Task function callable that raises an exception when executed. This is mainly useful for testing and debugging. Parameters ---------- exception: :class:`Exception`, required The exception to be raised when the task is executed. See Also -------- :func:`raise_exception` - factory function for :class:`RaiseException` instances. """ def __init__(self, exception): self._exception = exception def __call__(self, graph, name, inputs, extent=None): raise self._exception def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self._exception == other._exception
[docs]class TaskState(enum.Enum): """Enumerates :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph` task states. Every task within a :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph` will always be in one of the following states. See Also -------- :meth:`graphcat.graph.Graph.state` - returns the state of a task. """ UNFINISHED = 1 """The task is out-of-date and will be executed during the next update.""" FAILED = 2 """The task or one of it's dependencies failed during the last update.""" FINISHED = 3 """The task executed successfully during the last update."""
[docs]class UpdatedTasks(object): """Maintains a list of graph tasks that have been updated. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph`, required Graph to watch for task updates. """ def __init__(self, graph): self._tasks = set() graph.on_update.connect(self._on_update) def _on_update(self, graph, name): self._tasks.add(name) @property def tasks(self): """Graph tasks that have received updates since this object was created. Returns ------- tasks: :class:`set` Python :class:`set` containing the name of every task that has been updated. """ return self._tasks
[docs]def array(value): """Factory for task functions that return array values when executed. Note ---- This callable is designed to be compatible with :class:`ArrayExtent` extents when used in a :class:`graphcat.streaming.StreamingGraph`. Parameters ---------- value: :class:`numpy.ndarray`-convertable value, required The array to return when the task is executed. Returns ------- fn: :class:`Array` Task function that will always return `value` when executed. """ return Array(value)
[docs]def automatic_dependencies(fn): """Function decorator that automatically tracks dependencies. Use this to decorate task functions that need dependency tracking, such as :func:`evaluate`. See Also -------- :meth:`graphcat.graph.Graph.set_expression` Convenience method that configures a task to evaluate expressions and automatically track dependencies. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def implementation(graph, name, inputs, extent=None): # Remove old implicit dependencies. edges = list(graph._graph.out_edges(name, data="input", keys=True)) for target, source, key, input in edges: if input == Input.IMPLICIT: graph._graph.remove_edge(target, source, key) # Keep track of all dependencies while the task executes. updated = UpdatedTasks(graph) result = fn(graph, name, inputs, extent) # Filter out dependencies that are already explicitly captured. dependencies = updated.tasks dependencies = dependencies.difference(networkx.descendants(graph._graph, name)) dependencies = dependencies.difference([name]) # Create new implicit dependencies with what remains. for source in dependencies: graph._graph.add_edge(name, source, input=Input.IMPLICIT) return result return implementation
[docs]def builtins(graph, name, inputs, extent=None): """Returns standard builtin symbols for expression tasks. See Also -------- :func:`evaluate` - uses :func:`builtins` as the default for the `symbols` argument. """ return { "graph": graph, "name": name, "inputs": inputs, "extent": extent, }
[docs]def constant(value): """Factory for task functions that return constant values when executed. This is useful when creating a task that will act as a parameter for a downstream task:: graph.add_task("theta", constant(math.pi)) To change the parameter later, use :func:`constant` again, with :meth:`Graph.set_task_fn` to specify a new function:: graph.set_task_fn("theta", constant(math.pi / 2)) Parameters ---------- value: any value, required The value to return when the task is executed. Returns ------- fn: :class:`Constant` Task function that will always return `value` when executed. """ return Constant(value)
[docs]def consume(graph, name, inputs, extent=None): """Task function that retrieves all its inputs, but otherwise does nothing. This is mainly useful for debugging :class:`dynamic graphs<graphcat.dynamic.DynamicGraph>`, since the default :func:`null` task function won't execute upstream nodes. """ values = [value() for value in inputs.values()]
[docs]def delay(seconds): """Factory for task functions that sleep for a fixed time. This is mainly useful for testing and debugging. Parameters ---------- seconds: number, required Number of seconds to sleep when executed. Returns ------- fn: function Task function that will always sleep for `seconds` when executed. """ return Delay(seconds)
[docs]def evaluate(code, symbols=None): """Factory for task functions that evaluate Python expressions. If your expressions can access the output from other tasks in the graph, you will want to use this function with the :func:`automatic_dependencies` decorator, or use :meth:`graphcat.graph.Graph.set_expression` which sets up dependency tracking for you. See Also -------- :meth:`graphcat.graph.Graph.set_expression` Convenience method that configures a task to evaluate expressions and automatically track dependencies. Parameters ---------- code: string, required Python code to be executed when the task is executed. symbols: callable, optional Function that returns a Python dict containing symbols that will be available to the expression when it's executed. If :any:`None` (the default), the :func:`builtins` function will be used, which gives the expression access to the same `graph`, `name`, `inputs`, and `extent` objects as a normal task function. Returns ------- fn: function Task function that will execute Python code when the task is executed. """ if symbols is None: symbols = builtins def implementation(graph, name, inputs, extent=None): try: return eval(code, {}, symbols(graph, name, inputs, extent)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"Uncaught exception executing expression {code!r}: {e}") return implementation
[docs]def null(graph, name, inputs, extent=None): """Task function that does nothing. This is the default if you don't specify a function for :meth:`Graph.add_task` or :meth:`Graph.set_task_fn`, and is useful in debugging and pedagogy. """ pass
[docs]def passthrough(input=None): """Factory for task functions that pass-through incoming data. Callers can use this function to temporarily bypass tasks in the graph. Parameters ---------- input: hashable object, required The named input that will pass-through to the task output. Returns ------- fn: function Task function that will pass the input value named `input` to its output. """ return Passthrough(input)
[docs]def raise_exception(exception): """Factory for task functions that raise an exception when executed. This is mainly useful for testing and debugging. Parameters ---------- exception: :class:`BaseException` derivative, required The exception to raise when the task is executed. Returns ------- fn: function Task function that will always raise `exception` when executed. """ return RaiseException(exception)