Source code for graphcat.diagram

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Functionality for drawing diagrams of computational graphs."""

import graphcat.optional
import graphcat.require

pygraphviz = graphcat.optional.module("pygraphviz")

[docs]@graphcat.require.loaded_module("pygraphviz") def draw(graph, hide=None, rankdir="LR"): """Create a diagram of a computational graph. This is extremely useful for understanding and debugging computational graphs. The structure and current state is converted to a PyGraphviz graph. By default, each task is rendered as a box with the task label. Arrows are drawn between tasks, pointing from upstream producers of data to downstream consumers. Arrows are labelled to show named inputs, if any. The color of each box shows its state: white for unfinished tasks, red for tasks that are failed, and black for tasks that are finished. Callers can customize the appearance of the graph by modifying the result before rendering it to an image or Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`graphcat.graph.Graph` derivative or :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph`, required The graph to be visualized. hide: Python callable, optional Python callable that can be used to hide tasks in the displayed figure. If :any:`None` (the default), all tasks will be displayed. Ignored if `graph` is an instance of :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph`. rankdir: :class:`str`, optional Graphviz rankdir attribute that determines the direction of data flow within the diagram. Default: ``"LR"``, which is left-to-right flow. Ignored if `graph` is an instance of :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph`. Returns ------- diagram: :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph` Diagrammatic representation of `graph`. Callers can modify `diagram` as needed before using its layout and drawing methods to produce a final image. See Also -------- :func:`graphcat.notebook.display` - displays a graph in a Jupyter notebook. """ if isinstance(graph, pygraphviz.AGraph): return graph if hide is None: hide = none nodes = [node for node in graph._graph.nodes() if not hide(graph, node)] subgraph = graph._graph.subgraph(nodes) black = "#494744" red = "crimson" white = "white" edgestyle = "solid" arrowhead = "lnormal" if graph.is_streaming else "normal" arrowhead = "o" + arrowhead if graph.is_dynamic else arrowhead agraph = pygraphviz.AGraph(directed=True, strict=False, ranksep="0.4", rankdir=rankdir) agraph.node_attr.update(fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=8, shape="box", style="filled", margin="0.08,0.04", width="0.4", height="0") agraph.edge_attr.update(fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=8, color=black, arrowhead=arrowhead, style=edgestyle) for node in subgraph.nodes(): if subgraph.nodes[node]["state"] == graphcat.TaskState.UNFINISHED: color = black fontcolor = black fillcolor = white if subgraph.nodes[node]["state"] == graphcat.TaskState.FAILED: color = red fontcolor = white fillcolor = red if subgraph.nodes[node]["state"] == graphcat.TaskState.FINISHED: color = black fontcolor = white fillcolor = black agraph.add_node(node, color=color, fillcolor=fillcolor, fontcolor=fontcolor) for target, source, input in subgraph.edges(data="input"): if input is None: input = "" agraph.add_edge(source, target, label=f" {input} ") # We want edges to point from dependencies to dependents. return agraph
[docs]def leaves(graph, node): """Filter function that hides all leaf nodes when displaying a graph using :func:`draw`.""" return graph._graph.out_degree(node) == 0
[docs]def none(graph, node): """Do-nothing filter function used to display an entire graph using :func:`draw`.""" return False
[docs]def parameters(graph, node): """Filter function that hides "parameter" nodes.""" return isinstance(graph._graph.nodes[node]["fn"], (graphcat.Array, graphcat.Constant))
[docs]def performance(agraph, monitor): """Add performance monitor information to a graph diagram. Parameters ---------- agraph: :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph`, required Diagram originally created using :func:`draw`. monitor: :class:`graphcat.common.PerformanceMonitor`, required Performance monitor object containing performance results to be added to `agraph` Returns ------- diagram: :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph` Input diagram supplemented with performance results from `monitor`. """ all_times = [times[-1] for times in monitor.tasks.values()] min_time = min(all_times) max_time = max(all_times) agraph = agraph.copy() agraph.graph_attr["forcelabels"] = True for name, times in monitor.tasks.items(): time = times[-1] if max_time - min_time > 0: percent = (time - min_time) / (max_time - min_time) if percent > 0.66: timecolor = "red" elif percent > 0.33: timecolor = "#ffaa00" else: timecolor = "green" else: timecolor="black" agraph.get_node(name).attr["xlabel"] = f"<<font color='{timecolor}'>&#11044;</font> <font color='black'>{time:.4f}s</font>>" return agraph