Source code for graphcat.dynamic

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Implements computational graphs using dynamic dependency analysis.

import functools

import graphcat.common
import graphcat.graph

[docs]class DynamicGraph(graphcat.graph.Graph): """Manages a dynamic computational graph. The graph is a collection of named tasks, connected by links that define dependencies between tasks. Updating a task implicitly updates all of its transitive dependencies. When an unfinished task is updated, it executes a user-supplied function and stores the function return value as the task output. Outputs of upstream tasks are automatically passed as inputs to downstream tasks. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def _add_node(self, name, fn): self._graph.add_node(name, fn=fn, state=graphcat.common.TaskState.UNFINISHED, output=None, updating=False) def _mark_unfinished(self, name): node = self._graph.nodes[name] node["output"] = None node["state"] = graphcat.common.TaskState.UNFINISHED def _output(self, name): self._update(name) return self._graph.nodes[name]["output"] def _update(self, name): # Break cycles task = self._graph.nodes[name] if task["updating"]: self._on_cycle.send(self, name=name) return task["updating"] = True # Notify observers that the task will be updated. self._on_update.send(self, name=name) # Only execute this task if it isn't already finished. if task["state"] != graphcat.common.TaskState.FINISHED: try: # Get the task inputs. inputs = NamedInputs(self, name) # Execute the function and store the output. self._on_execute.send(self, name=name, inputs=inputs) task["output"] = task["fn"](graph=self, name=name, inputs=inputs) task["state"] = graphcat.common.TaskState.FINISHED self._on_finished.send(self, name=name, output=task["output"]) except Exception as e: # The function raised an exception, notify observers. task["output"] = None task["state"] = graphcat.common.TaskState.FAILED self._on_failed.send(self, name=name, exception=e) task["updating"] = False raise e task["updating"] = False @property def is_dynamic(self): """Returns :any:`True`.""" return True @property def is_streaming(self): """Returns :any:`False`.""" return False
[docs] def output(self, name): """Retrieve the output from a task. This implicitly updates the graph, so the returned value is guaranteed to be up-to-date. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique task name. Returns ------- output: any object The value returned when the task function was last executed, or :any:`None`. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If `name` doesn't exist. :class:`Exception` Any exception raised by a task function will be re-raised by :meth:`output`. """ self._require_task_present(name) self.update(name) return self._graph.nodes[name]["output"]
[docs] def update(self, name): """Update a task and all of its transitive dependencies. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Name identifying the task to be updated. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the task with `name` doesn't exist. :class:`Exception` Any exception raised by a task function will be re-raised by :meth:`update`. """ self._require_task_present(name) self._update(name)
[docs]class NamedInputs(object): """Access named inputs for a graph task. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`DynamicGraph`, required Graph containing a task. name: hashable object, required Existing task unique name. """ def __init__(self, graph, name): if not isinstance(graph, DynamicGraph): raise ValueError("Graph input must be an instance of DynamicGraph") # pragma: no cover edges = graph._graph.out_edges(name, data="input") self._keys = [input for target, source, input in edges] self._values = [functools.partial(graph._output, source) for target, source, input in edges] def __contains__(self, name): """Return :any:`True` if `name` matches a named input for this task.""" return name in self._keys def __len__(self): """Return the number of named inputs for this task.""" return len(self._keys) def __repr__(self): inputs = ", ".join([repr(key) for key in self._keys]) return f"{{{inputs}}}"
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """Return a single input value. Use this method to return a value when you expect to have either zero or one input that matches `name`. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Name of the input value to return. default: any Python value, optional If an input matching `name` doesn't exist, this value will be returned instead. Defaults to :any:`None`. Returns ------- value: any Python value The value of input `name`, or `default`. Raises ------ :class:`KeyError`: if more than one input matches `name`. """ values = [value for key, value in zip(self._keys, self._values) if key == name] if len(values) == 0: return default elif len(values) == 1: return values[0]() else: raise KeyError(f"More than one input {name!r}")
[docs] def getall(self, name): """Return multiple input values. Use this method to return every input value that matches `name`. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Name of the input value to return. Returns ------- values: list of Python values Values from every input that matches `name`. Returns an empty list if there are none. """ return [value() for key, value in zip(self._keys, self._values) if key == name]
[docs] def getone(self, name): """Return a single input value. Use this method to return a value when you expect to have exactly one input that matches `name`. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Name of the input value to return. Returns ------- value: any Python value The value of input `name`. Raises ------ :class:`KeyError`: if more or less than one input matches `name`. """ values = [value for key, value in zip(self._keys, self._values) if key == name] if len(values) == 0: raise KeyError(name) elif len(values) == 1: return values[0]() else: raise KeyError(f"More than one input {name!r}")
[docs] def items(self): """Return names and values for every input attached to this task. Note ---- For each (name, value) pair returned by this method, the value is a callable that returns the actual value from the upstream task. Returns ------- values: sequence of (hashable object, callable) tuples The name and value of every input attached to this task. """ return zip(self._keys, self._values)
[docs] def keys(self): """Return names for every input attached to this task. Returns ------- names: sequence of hashable objects The name of every input attached to this task. Note that the same name may appear more than once in the sequence. """ return self._keys
[docs] def values(self): """Return values for every input attached to this task. Note ---- Each value returned by this method is a callable that returns the actual value from the upstream task. Returns ------- values: sequence of callables The value of every input attached to this task, in the same order as :meth:`keys`. """ return self._values