Source code for graphcat.graph

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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"""Abstract interfaces for computational graphs.

import abc

import blinker
import networkx

import graphcat.common

[docs]class Graph(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for computational graphs. The graph is a collection of named tasks, connected by links that define dependencies between tasks. Updating a task implicitly updates all of its transitive dependencies. When an unfinished task is updated, it executes a user-supplied function and stores the function return value as the task output. Outputs of upstream tasks are automatically passed as inputs to downstream tasks. """ def __init__(self): self._graph = networkx.MultiDiGraph() self._on_changed = blinker.Signal() self._on_cycle = blinker.Signal() self._on_execute = blinker.Signal() self._on_failed = blinker.Signal() self._on_finished = blinker.Signal() self._on_task_renamed = blinker.Signal() self._on_update = blinker.Signal() @abc.abstractmethod def _add_node(self, name, fn): raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def __contains__(self, name): return name in self._graph @abc.abstractmethod def _mark_unfinished(self, name): raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def _require_valid_names(self, names): if names is None: return self.tasks() if not isinstance(names, (list, set)): names = [names] return {name for name in names if name in self._graph} def _require_task_present(self, name): if name not in self._graph: raise ValueError(f"Task {name!r} doesn't exist.") def _require_task_absent(self, name): if name in self._graph: raise ValueError(f"Task {name!r} already exists.")
[docs] def add_task(self, name, fn=None): """Add a task to the graph. This function will raise an exception if the task already exists. See Also -------- :meth:`set_task` : idempotent alternative to :meth:`add_task`. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique label that will identify the task. fn: callable, optional The `fn` object will be called whenever the task is executed. It must take two keyword arguments as parameters, `label` and `inputs`. `name` will contain the unique task name. `inputs` will be a dict mapping named inputs to a sequence of outputs returned from upstream tasks. If :any:`None` (the default), :func:`graphcat.common.null` will be used. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If `label` already exists. """ self._require_task_absent(name) if fn is None: fn = graphcat.common.null self.set_task(name, fn)
[docs] def clear_tasks(self, names=None): """Remove tasks from the graph, along with all related links. Note that downstream tasks will become unfinished. Parameters ---------- names: :any:`None`, hashable object, or list|set of hashable objects, optional Names identifying the tasks to remove. If :any:`None` (the default), all tasks are removed, emptying the graph. """ names = self._require_valid_names(names) self.mark_unfinished(names) for name in names: self._graph.remove_node(name) self._on_changed.send(self)
@property @abc.abstractmethod def is_dynamic(self): """Return :any:`True` if-and-only-if the graph implements dynamic updates.""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover @property @abc.abstractmethod def is_streaming(self): """Return :any:`True` if-and-only-if the graph implements streaming (extent-based) updates.""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def mark_unfinished(self, names=None): """Set the unfinished state for tasks and all downstream dependents. Normally, the unfinished state is set automatically when changes are made to the graph. This method is provided for callers who need to set the unfinished state in response to some outside event that the graph isn't aware of; this should only happen in extremely rare situations. Parameters ---------- names: :any:`None`, hashable object, or list|set of hashable objects, required Task names to be marked as unfinished. If :any:`None` (the default), the entire graph is marked unfinished. """ names = self._require_valid_names(names) for name in list(names): for ancestor in networkx.ancestors(self._graph, name): names.add(ancestor) for name in names: self._mark_unfinished(name) self._on_changed.send(self)
@property def on_changed(self): """Signal emitted whenever a part of the graph becomes unfinished. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph), where `graph` is this object. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_changed @property def on_cycle(self): """Signal emitted if a cycle is detected during updating. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, name), where `graph` is this object. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_cycle @property def on_execute(self): """Signal emitted before a task is executed. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, name, input), where `graph` is this object, `name` is the name of the task to be executed, and `input` is a dict containing the task inputs. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_execute @property def on_failed(self): """Signal emitted when a task fails during execution. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, name, exception), where `graph` is this object, `name` is the name of the task that failed, and `exception` is the exception raised by the task. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_failed @property def on_finished(self): """Signal emitted when a task executes successfully. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, name, output), where `graph` is this object, `name` is the name of the task that executed successfully, and `output` is the return value from the task function. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_finished @property def on_task_renamed(self): """Signal emitted when a task is renamed. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, oldname, newname), where `graph` is this object, `oldname` is the original name of the task, and `newname` is its current name. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_task_renamed @property def on_update(self): """Signal emitted when a task is updated. Functions invoked by this signal must have the signature fn(graph, name), where `graph` is this object and `name` is the name of the task to be updated. Returns ------- signal: :class:`blinker.base.Signal` """ return self._on_update
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def output(self, name): """Retrieve the output from a task. This implicitly updates the graph, so the returned value is guaranteed to be up-to-date. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique task name. Returns ------- output: any object The value returned when the task function was last executed, or :any:`None`. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If `name` doesn't exist. :class:`Exception` Any exception raised by a task function will be re-raised by :meth:`output`. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def rename_task(self, oldname, newname): """Change an existing task's name. This modifies an existing task's name and modifies any related links as-necessary. In addition, the task and any downstream dependents will become unfinished. Parameters ---------- oldname: hashable object, required Existing original task name. newname: hashable object, required Unique new task name. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the task with `oldname` doesn't exist, or a task with `newname` already exists. """ self._require_task_present(oldname) self._require_task_absent(newname) networkx.relabel_nodes(self._graph, mapping = {oldname: newname}, copy=False) self.mark_unfinished(newname) self._on_task_renamed.send(self, oldname=oldname, newname=newname)
[docs] def set_expression(self, name, expression, symbols=None): """Create a task that evaluates a Python expression, returning its value. The task will automatically track implicit dependencies that arise from executing the expression. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique name for the new expression task. expression: string, required Python expression that will be evaluated whenever the task is executed. symbols: callable, optional Function that returns a Python dict containing symbols that will be available to the expression when it's executed. If :any:`None` (the default), the :func:`graphcat.common.builtins` function will be used, which gives the expression access to `graph`, `name`, `inputs`, and `extent` objects that match the arguments to a normal task function. """ fn = graphcat.common.evaluate(expression, symbols) fn = graphcat.common.automatic_dependencies(fn) self.set_task(name, fn)
[docs] def set_parameter(self, target, input, source, value): """Create and link a 'parameter' task in one step. Because they're so ubiquitous, this method simplifies the creation of "parameter" tasks - tasks that return a value for use as a parameter in some other task. It consolidates creating the parameter task and linking it with an existing computational task into one step. Parameters ---------- target: hashable object, required Name of the task that will use the parameter. input: hashable object, required Named input that will receive the parameter. source: hashable object, required Name of the task that will store the parameter. value: any Python object, required Parameter value. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If `target` doesn't exist. """ self.set_task(source, graphcat.common.constant(value)) self.set_links(source, (target, input))
[docs] def set_task(self, name, fn): """Add a task to the graph if it doesn't exist, and set its task function. Note that this will mark downstream tasks as unfinished. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique name that will identify the task. fn: callable, required The `fn` object will be called whenever the task is executed. It must take two keyword arguments as parameters, `name` and `inputs`. `name` will contain the unique task name. `inputs` will be a dict mapping named inputs to sequences of outputs returned from upstream tasks. """ if name in self._graph: if self._graph.nodes[name]["fn"] != fn: self.mark_unfinished(name) self._graph.nodes[name]["fn"] = fn else: self._add_node(name, fn=fn) self.mark_unfinished(name)
[docs] def state(self, name): """Return the current state of a task. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Unique name that identifies the task. Returns ------- state: :class:`graphcat.common.TaskState` Enumeration describing the current task state. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If `name` doesn't exist. """ self._require_task_present(name) return self._graph.nodes[name]["state"]
[docs] def tasks(self): """Return the name of every task in the graph. Returns ------- tasks: :class:`set` Names for every task in the graph. """ return set(self._graph.nodes)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update(self, name): """Update a task and all its transitive dependencies. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required Name identifying the task to be updated. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the task with `name` doesn't exist. :class:`Exception` Any exception raised by a task function will be re-raised by :meth:`update`. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover