graphcat.notebook module

Integration with Jupyter notebooks,

graphcat.notebook.display(graph, hide=None, rankdir='LR')[source]

Display a computational graph inline in a Jupyter notebook.

This is extremely useful for understanding and debugging graphs. The structure and current state of the graph is displayed as an inline SVG graphic. See graphcat.diagram.draw() for details.

  • graph (graphcat.Graph or pygraphviz.AGraph, required) – The graph to be visualized.
  • hide (Python callable, optional) – Python callable that can be used to hide tasks in the displayed figure. If None (the default), all tasks will be displayed. Ignored if graph is a pygraphviz.AGraph.
  • rankdir (str, optional) – Graphviz rankdir attribute that determines the direction of data flow within the diagram. Default: "LR", which is left-to-right flow. Ignored if graph is a pygraphviz.AGraph.